
Annapolis Junction, MD, United States

Information Technology Strategies, INC. is a government IT solutions provider servicing commercial and government initiative in various parts of the United States. We are currently seeking a Agile Coach to work for our company.


  • Must be able to obtain U.S. Government PUBLIC TRUST level security clearance (U.S. Citizenship, a clear criminal history check, and no pending or recent bankruptcies).
  • Client Agency is U.S. Transportation Security Administration.
  • Will serve as an Agile Coach to guide and coach teams through Agile transformation challenges. Will guide and mentor more junior Agile coaches. Will apply advanced Scrum practices and principles, as well as expertise in leadership coaching and organizational transformation at both team and enterprise levels.


  • Must be able to obtain a U.S. Government PUBLIC TRUST level security clearance (U.S. Citizenship, a clear criminal history check, and no pending or recent bankruptcies).
  • Must hold an Active Certified Scrum Professional from Scrum Alliance and/or ICAgile Certified Professional Agile Coaching.
  • Must have an Active Scrum certified SAFe 6.0 certification.
  • Must have 10+ years of experience designing and implementing agile coaching engagements for mid to senior level professionals, emerging leaders and first-time managers.
  • Must have a B.S. or B.A. degree.
  • Must have real-world experience that demonstrates use of advanced practices and principles of Scrum and successful guidance/coaching of organizations through agile transformation challenges.
  • Must have experience in leadership coaching, organizational transformation, and Agile practices at the teams (Program and below) and at the enterprise level.
  • Must have experience as a hands-on organizational change agent working across multiple teams (e.g. SF, TVS, TIM and SG) and organizational boundaries (e.g. TSD).
  • Must have experience assisting leadership and working-level team members with removing barriers and embracing transformation by assisting each organization to customize its own path, approach and solutions to becoming Agile.
  • Must have experience leading Agile transformation by leveraging best practices and principles of SAFe.
  • Must have experience with launching Agile Release Trains (ARTs), building a Continuous Delivery Pipeline with DevOps culture, empowering a Lean Portfolio, and clearly understanding what it takes to successfully implement SAFe in the enterprise (starting with teams' / Program levels and scale up to Large Solutions and Portfolio levels). Experience supporting and executing PI Planning events, and coordinating multiple Agile Release Trains (ARTs)
  • Must have experience guiding Agile transformation and execution of Agile lifecycle via Agile application lifecycle management tools (e.g. Rational Teams Concert)
  • Must have experience coordinating large solutions.
  • Must be able to work on-site in Annapolis, MD.

About Us

IT-Strat is a technology consulting company that holds various contract vehicles including best in class vehicles. IT-Strat has supported multiple clients including the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), Customs and Border Protection (CBP) and Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE via both prime and meaningful subcontracts). Additionally, IT-Strat has prime contracts with Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA), Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) and many others. We maintain relationships with multiple large businesses.

IT-Strat was established in 2002. We are a certified Woman Owned Small Business. IT-Strat also successfully graduated as a SBA 8(A) company. It was an 8(a) company from 2008 through 2017 and currently still has 8(a) contract vehicles.

Benefits We Offer:

  • Four Medical/Vision options including an HSA plan.
  • Dental and Orthodontia plan
  • Vision Materials plan
  • Paid Life, Short-Term Disability, and Long-Term Disability
  • 401K Retirement Program with company contribution
  • Paid Vacation, Holidays, Sick Leave, Floating Holidays, Bereavement Leave
  • Semi-monthly pay cycle

Information Technology Strategies ("IT-Strat") is an Equal Employment Opportunity employer, and it is our policy to consider applicants for employment without regard to sex, race, color, creed, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, marital status, age, disability, veteran status, alienage, ancestry, and any other factors prohibited by law. Employment selections are based on company and client requirements and the qualifications and skills of the candidate. IT-Strat is committed to actively capitalizing on the diversity of skills, talents, and perspectives of our employees.



Information Technology Strategies, LLC. is a government IT solutions provider servicing commercial and government initiative in various parts of the United States. We are currently seeking a Business Analytics and Data Warehouse Lead to work for our company.


  • Must have an ACTIVE U.S. Government Top Secret/SCI Clearance.
  • Will oversee all production and dissemination applications development work.
  • Will develop and maintain technical strategies to ensure effective application development and integration between applications. Will work directly with key stakeholders to ensure they are up to date on all necessary information.


  • Must have an ACTIVE U.S. Government Top Secret/SCI Clearance.
  • 8+ years of Application Development experience
  • Must have experience leading teams of Application Developers.
  • Must have a B.S. degree in Computer Science or a related field. 
  • Must have an M.S. degree in Computer Science or a related field OR 10+ years of Application Development experience.
  • Must have hands-on experience with the following technologies: Node.js with Typescript, SQL, PostgreSQL, Redis, ElsaticSearch.
  • Oral presentation experience and excellent oral and written communication skills.
  • Willingness and ability to work on-site at the DIA Headquarters in Washington, DC
  • Hands-on experience with the following technologies: JSON, Java, JavaScript, SharePoint, XML, VBAs, Oracle, MongoDB, Solr, and SQL.


  • Hands-on experience with the following technologies: JSON, Java, JavaScript, SharePoint, XML, VBAs, Oracle, MongoDB, Solr, and SQL.

About Us

IT-Strat is a technology consulting company that holds various contract vehicles including best in class vehicles. IT-Strat has supported multiple clients including the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), Customs and Border Protection (CBP) and Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE via both prime and meaningful subcontracts). Additionally, IT-Strat has prime contracts with Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA), Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) and many others. We maintain relationships with multiple large businesses.

IT-Strat was established in 2002. We are a certified Woman Owned Small Business. IT-Strat also successfully graduated as a SBA 8(A) company. It was an 8(a) company from 2008 through 2017 and currently still has 8(a) contract vehicles.

Benefits We Offer:

  • Four Medical/Vision options including an HSA plan.
  • Dental and Orthodontia plan
  • Vision Materials plan
  • Paid Life, Short-Term Disability, and Long-Term Disability
  • 401K Retirement Program with company contribution
  • Paid Vacation, Holidays, Sick Leave, Floating Holidays, Bereavement Leave
  • Semi-monthly pay cycle

Information Technology Strategies ("IT-Strat") is an Equal Employment Opportunity employer, and it is our policy to consider applicants for employment without regard to sex, race, color, creed, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, marital status, age, disability, veteran status, alienage, ancestry, and any other factors prohibited by law. Employment selections are based on company and client requirements and the qualifications and skills of the candidate. IT-Strat is committed to actively capitalizing on the diversity of skills, talents, and perspectives of our employees.



Information Technology Strategies, INC. is a government IT solutions provider servicing commercial and government initiative in various parts of the United States. We are currently seeking a Business Data Analyst to work for our company.


  • Client Agency is Defense Logistics Agency.
  • Must have an ACTIVE U.S. Government SECRET Clearance. (Sponsorship will not be provided)
  • Will provide support in collecting and organizing information required for preparation of user manuals, training materials, installation guides, proposals, and reports. Will edit functional descriptions, system specifications, user manuals, special reports, or any other customer deliverables and documents. Will provide support in performing financial and administrative tasks. Under general supervision, will be responsible for preparing and/or maintaining systems, programming, and operations documentation, procedures and methods. Will maintain a current internal documentation library. Wil provide or coordinate special documentation services as required. Will provide support in process improvements and reengineering, reporting, business intelligence, testing, requirement gathering, requirement management, agile exposure, team player, excellent writing skills, requirements creation and management, people skills, stakeholder management, client customer facing, run required gathering sessions, PM and ITSM tools.


  • Must have an ACTIVE U.S. Government SECRET Clearance. (Sponsorship will not be provided)
  • Must have one of the following certifications: CCNA Security, CySA+, GICSP, GSEC, CompTIA Security+ CE, CND, SSCP, CASP+ CE, CCNP Security, CISA, CISSP, GCED, GCIH, CCSP.
  • Must have an ACTIVE Business Analytics Certification.
  • Must have a B.S. degree in a technical discipline.
  • Must have 5+ years of relevant experience.
  • Must have previous experience in Business Intelligence.
  • Must understand SQL querying of Database tables.
  • Must have excellent oral and written communication skills.
  • Must have previous experience with Agile methodologies.
  • Must have hands-on experience with various business intelligence tools (ServiceNow, Qlik, MS BI)
  • Must have hands-on experience with Microsoft 365 Suite.

About Us

IT-Strat is a technology consulting company that holds various contract vehicles including best in class vehicles. IT-Strat has supported multiple clients including the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), Customs and Border Protection (CBP) and Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE via both prime and meaningful subcontracts). Additionally, IT-Strat has prime contracts with Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA), Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) and many others. We maintain relationships with multiple large businesses.

IT-Strat was established in 2002. We are a certified Woman Owned Small Business. IT-Strat also successfully graduated as a SBA 8(A) company. It was an 8(a) company from 2008 through 2017 and currently still has 8(a) contract vehicles.

Benefits We Offer:

  • Four Medical/Vision options including an HSA plan.
  • Dental and Orthodontia plan
  • Vision Materials plan
  • Paid Life, Short-Term Disability, and Long-Term Disability
  • 401K Retirement Program with company contribution
  • Paid Vacation, Holidays, Sick Leave, Floating Holidays, Bereavement Leave
  • Semi-monthly pay cycle

Information Technology Strategies ("IT-Strat") is an Equal Employment Opportunity employer, and it is our policy to consider applicants for employment without regard to sex, race, color, creed, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, marital status, age, disability, veteran status, alienage, ancestry, and any other factors prohibited by law. Employment selections are based on company and client requirements and the qualifications and skills of the candidate. IT-Strat is committed to actively capitalizing on the diversity of skills, talents, and perspectives of our employees.


Springfield, VA, United States

Information Technology Strategies, LLC. is a government IT solutions provider servicing commercial and government initiative in various parts of the United States. We are currently seeking a Data Scientist to work for our company.


  • A CURRENT U.S. Government TOP SECRET Clearance. Sponsorship will not be provided.
  • Client Agency is National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency.
  • Responsible for the integration, development, and maintenance of analytic models, visualizations, and tools to evaluate, analyze and communicate internal/external user behavior and overarching enterprise or portfolio performance. 
  • Will provide statistical and mathematical support in assisting in the analysis and interpretation of a wide range of data to help understand and improve the customer's experience. 
  • Will leverage a range of data sources (e.g., Web traffic, customer requests for information, survey responses, production databases, etc.) for an understanding of what drives a positive customer experience. 
  • Will provide insights that will be used to inform decisions and agency operational strategies, in partnership with teams examining website design, customer interactions, featured content, and future products and services. 
  • Will apply business analytics and customer segmentation techniques in any corporate function, e.g., marketing analytics, consumer analytics, operations analysis, human capital analytics, or other relevant fields. 
  • Will maintain, move, and manipulate data between applications, using appropriate software/code: Apache Spark, ElasticSearch, R, Python, Kibana and others as technology evolves. 
  • Will establish an agile analytics process that provides better insight into ongoing analytic/data visualization activities. 
  • Will manage an inventory of implemented dashboards, other analytic products, and current product backlog for implementation.


  • A CURRENT U.S. Government TOP SECRET Clearance. Sponsorship will not be provided.
  • The ability to work on-site in Springfield, VA.
  • Experience developing data analytics models and visualizations employing proven industry standards in statistic/data science principals, practices, and techniques in the analyses of business data.
  • Experience utilizing computer programs, software, or a variety of coding languages (i.e., Python, MySQL, D3, SPSS, SAS, Visual Basic, R, etc.) to summarize statistical data and create documents, reports, and presentations.
  • Experience developing dashboards to effectively convey site metrics to nontechnical audiences, to include but not limited to communicating warnings and limitations of both coding techniques and statistical analyses depicting current state and providing insight to improvement plan implementation strategies and milestone achievement.
  • Experience working with commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) statistical software or tools for data visualization (i.e., SPSS, SAS, MatLab, Tableau, etc.).
  • Experience data mining, to include developing, manipulating, or maintaining databases.
  • The ability to proactively identify methods and approaches to expand and enhance the analytic capacity and ability of an existing portfolio.


  • Experience effectively communicating with various partners, stakeholders, or customers on the value of statistical and data science methods to include but not limited to:
    • The strength of models/formulas
  • Their limitations, warnings, and weaknesses in various applications.
  • Experience embracing and participating in a culture of knowledge sharing to broaden the understanding of:
    • Advanced methods
  • Niche statistical methods
  • Data science analytic methods
  • Coding techniques to include fundamental understanding of model/formula strength, limitations, warnings and weaknesses when applied in various scenarios.

About Us

IT-Strat is a technology consulting company that holds various contract vehicles including best in class vehicles. IT-Strat has supported multiple clients including the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), Customs and Border Protection (CBP) and Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE via both prime and meaningful subcontracts). Additionally, IT-Strat has prime contracts with Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA), Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) and many others. We maintain relationships with multiple large businesses.

IT-Strat was established in 2002. We are a certified Woman Owned Small Business. IT-Strat also successfully graduated as a SBA 8(A) company. It was an 8(a) company from 2008 through 2017 and currently still has 8(a) contract vehicles.

Benefits We Offer:

  • · Four Medical/Vision options including an HSA plan.
  • · Dental and Orthodontia plan
  • · Vision Materials plan
  • ·  Paid Life, Short-Term Disability, and Long-Term Disability
  • · 401K Retirement Program with company contribution
  • · Paid Vacation, Holidays, Sick Leave, Floating Holidays, Bereavement Leave
  • · Semi-monthly pay cycle

Information Technology Strategies ("IT-Strat") is an Equal Employment Opportunity employer, and it is our policy to consider applicants for employment without regard to sex, race, color, creed, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, marital status, age, disability, veteran status, alienage, ancestry, and any other factors prohibited by law. Employment selections are based on company and client requirements and the qualifications and skills of the candidate. IT-Strat is committed to actively capitalizing on the diversity of skills, talents, and perspectives of our employees.



Information Technology Strategies, LLC. is a government IT solutions provider servicing commercial and government initiative in various parts of the United States. We are currently seeking a Program Manager to work for our company.


  • Must have an ACTIVE U.S. Government Top Secret/SCI Clearance.
  • Will be responsible for the management and oversight of all personnel. Will be responsible for informing the Government on all financial and staffing reports. Will solicit feedback to increase performance and efficiency. Will be a key decision maker. Will lead monthly/quarterly technical statues meetings.


  • Must have an ACTIVE U.S. Government Top Secret/SCI Clearance.
  • 8+ years of Program Management experience
  • Must have a M.S. Degree in a related field OR 10+ years of program management experience.
  • Must have a B.S. Degree in a related field.
  • 3+ years of Microsoft Office Suite experience
  • Oral presentation experience and excellent oral and written communication skills.
  • Willingness and ability to work on-site at the DIA Headquarters in Washington, DC


  • An Active PMP (Project Management Professional) Certification.

About Us

IT-Strat is a technology consulting company that holds various contract vehicles including best in class vehicles. IT-Strat has supported multiple clients including the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), Customs and Border Protection (CBP) and Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE via both prime and meaningful subcontracts). Additionally, IT-Strat has prime contracts with Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA), Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) and many others. We maintain relationships with multiple large businesses.

IT-Strat was established in 2002. We are a certified Woman Owned Small Business. IT-Strat also successfully graduated as a SBA 8(A) company. It was an 8(a) company from 2008 through 2017 and currently still has 8(a) contract vehicles.

Benefits We Offer:

  • Four Medical/Vision options including an HSA plan.
  • Dental and Orthodontia plan
  • Vision Materials plan
  • Paid Life, Short-Term Disability, and Long-Term Disability
  • 401K Retirement Program with company contribution
  • Paid Vacation, Holidays, Sick Leave, Floating Holidays, Bereavement Leave
  • Semi-monthly pay cycle

Information Technology Strategies ("IT-Strat") is an Equal Employment Opportunity employer, and it is our policy to consider applicants for employment without regard to sex, race, color, creed, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, marital status, age, disability, veteran status, alienage, ancestry, and any other factors prohibited by law. Employment selections are based on company and client requirements and the qualifications and skills of the candidate. IT-Strat is committed to actively capitalizing on the diversity of skills, talents, and perspectives of our employees.



Information Technology Strategies, LLC. is a government IT solutions provider servicing commercial and government initiative in various parts of the United States. We are currently seeking an Development and Operations Lead to work for our company.


  • Must have an ACTIVE U.S. Government Top Secret/SCI Clearance.
  • Will lead the development and operations teams.
  • Will develop and maintain technical strategies to ensure effective application development and integration between applications. Will work directly with key stakeholders to ensure they are up to date on all necessary information.


  • Must have an ACTIVE U.S. Government Top Secret/SCI Clearance.
  • 8+ years of development and operations experience
  • Must have a B.S. degree in related field. 
  • Must have an M.S. degree in a related field OR 10+ years of related experience.
  • Must have 3+ years of change management experience.
  • Oral presentation experience and excellent oral and written communication skills.
  • Willingness and ability to work on-site at the DIA Headquarters in Washington, DC.


  • 2+ years of IT Program Management experience.

About Us

IT-Strat is a technology consulting company that holds various contract vehicles including best in class vehicles. IT-Strat has supported multiple clients including the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), Customs and Border Protection (CBP) and Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE via both prime and meaningful subcontracts). Additionally, IT-Strat has prime contracts with Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA), Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) and many others. We maintain relationships with multiple large businesses.

IT-Strat was established in 2002. We are a certified Woman Owned Small Business. IT-Strat also successfully graduated as a SBA 8(A) company. It was an 8(a) company from 2008 through 2017 and currently still has 8(a) contract vehicles.

Benefits We Offer:

  • Four Medical/Vision options including an HSA plan.
  • Dental and Orthodontia plan
  • Vision Materials plan
  • Paid Life, Short-Term Disability, and Long-Term Disability
  • 401K Retirement Program with company contribution
  • Paid Vacation, Holidays, Sick Leave, Floating Holidays, Bereavement Leave
  • Semi-monthly pay cycle

Information Technology Strategies ("IT-Strat") is an Equal Employment Opportunity employer, and it is our policy to consider applicants for employment without regard to sex, race, color, creed, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, marital status, age, disability, veteran status, alienage, ancestry, and any other factors prohibited by law. Employment selections are based on company and client requirements and the qualifications and skills of the candidate. IT-Strat is committed to actively capitalizing on the diversity of skills, talents, and perspectives of our employees.



Information Technology Strategies, LLC. is a government IT solutions provider servicing commercial and government initiative in various parts of the United States. We are currently seeking an Enterprise Architect to work for our company.


  • Must have an ACTIVE U.S. Government Top Secret/SCI Clearance.
  • Will oversee all architecture work.
  • Will work directly with key stakeholders to ensure they are up to date on all necessary information.


  • Must have an ACTIVE U.S. Government Top Secret/SCI Clearance.
  • 8+ years of Enterprise Architecture Experience
  • Must have a B.S. degree in Computer Science or a related field. 
  • Must have an M.S. degree in Computer Science or a related field OR 12+ years of Application Development experience.
  • Oral presentation experience and excellent oral and written communication skills.
  • Willingness and ability to work on-site at the DIA Headquarters in Washington, DC

About Us

IT-Strat is a technology consulting company that holds various contract vehicles including best in class vehicles. IT-Strat has supported multiple clients including the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), Customs and Border Protection (CBP) and Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE via both prime and meaningful subcontracts). Additionally, IT-Strat has prime contracts with Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA), Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) and many others. We maintain relationships with multiple large businesses.

IT-Strat was established in 2002. We are a certified Woman Owned Small Business. IT-Strat also successfully graduated as a SBA 8(A) company. It was an 8(a) company from 2008 through 2017 and currently still has 8(a) contract vehicles.

Benefits We Offer:

  • Four Medical/Vision options including an HSA plan.
  • Dental and Orthodontia plan
  • Vision Materials plan
  • Paid Life, Short-Term Disability, and Long-Term Disability
  • 401K Retirement Program with company contribution
  • Paid Vacation, Holidays, Sick Leave, Floating Holidays, Bereavement Leave
  • Semi-monthly pay cycle

Information Technology Strategies ("IT-Strat") is an Equal Employment Opportunity employer, and it is our policy to consider applicants for employment without regard to sex, race, color, creed, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, marital status, age, disability, veteran status, alienage, ancestry, and any other factors prohibited by law. Employment selections are based on company and client requirements and the qualifications and skills of the candidate. IT-Strat is committed to actively capitalizing on the diversity of skills, talents, and perspectives of our employees.



Information Technology Strategies, LLC. is a government IT solutions provider servicing commercial and government initiative in various parts of the United States. We are currently seeking an Enterprise Production Lead to work for our company.


  • Must have an ACTIVE U.S. Government Top Secret/SCI Clearance.
  • Will oversee all production and dissemination applications development work.
  • Will develop and maintain technical strategies to ensure effective application development and integration between applications. Will work directly with key stakeholders to ensure they are up to date on all necessary information.


  • Must have an ACTIVE U.S. Government Top Secret/SCI Clearance.
  • 8+ years of Application Development experience
  • Must have experience leading teams of Application Developers.
  • Must have a B.S. degree in Computer Science or a related field. 
  • Must have an M.S. degree in Computer Science or a related field OR 10+ years of Application Development experience.
  • Must have hands-on experience with the following technologies: Node.js with Typescript, SQL, PostgreSQL, Redis, ElsaticSearch.
  • Oral presentation experience and excellent oral and written communication skills.
  • Willingness and ability to work on-site at the DIA Headquarters in Washington, DC.


  • Hands-on experience with the following technologies: JSON, Java, JavaScript, SharePoint, XML, VBAs, Oracle, MongoDB, Solr, and SQL.

About Us

IT-Strat is a technology consulting company that holds various contract vehicles including best in class vehicles. IT-Strat has supported multiple clients including the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), Customs and Border Protection (CBP) and Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE via both prime and meaningful subcontracts). Additionally, IT-Strat has prime contracts with Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA), Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) and many others. We maintain relationships with multiple large businesses.

IT-Strat was established in 2002. We are a certified Woman Owned Small Business. IT-Strat also successfully graduated as a SBA 8(A) company. It was an 8(a) company from 2008 through 2017 and currently still has 8(a) contract vehicles.

Benefits We Offer:

  • Four Medical/Vision options including an HSA plan.
  • Dental and Orthodontia plan
  • Vision Materials plan
  • Paid Life, Short-Term Disability, and Long-Term Disability
  • 401K Retirement Program with company contribution
  • Paid Vacation, Holidays, Sick Leave, Floating Holidays, Bereavement Leave
  • Semi-monthly pay cycle

Information Technology Strategies ("IT-Strat") is an Equal Employment Opportunity employer, and it is our policy to consider applicants for employment without regard to sex, race, color, creed, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, marital status, age, disability, veteran status, alienage, ancestry, and any other factors prohibited by law. Employment selections are based on company and client requirements and the qualifications and skills of the candidate. IT-Strat is committed to actively capitalizing on the diversity of skills, talents, and perspectives of our employees.


San Diego, CA, United States

Information Technology Strategies, INC. is a government IT solutions provider servicing commercial and government initiative in various parts of the United States. We are currently seeking a Information System Security Officer to work for our company.


  • Client Agency is Naval Health Research Center.
  • Must be eligible for a U.S. Government IT-I / IT-II / SECRET / TOP SECRET Clearance. (Basic requirements include, U.S. Citizenship, a clear criminal history check, no pending or recent bankruptcy)
  • Responsible for managing the cybersecurity posture of an organization, system, or program, implementing the Risk Management Framework (RMF) process, and utilizing cybersecurity tools for security and assessment scans, STIG reviews, endpoint security, and patch management.


  • Must be eligible for a U.S. Government IT-I / IT-II / SECRET / TOP SECRET Clearance. (Basic requirements include, U.S. Citizenship, a clear criminal history check, no pending or recent bankruptcy)
  • Must have one of the following certifications: CompTIA Security+ CE, CASP+ CE, CISA, CCNP Security, CISSP, GCED, GCIH, CCSP.
  • Must have 3+ years of experience with the cybersecurity posture of an organization, system or program and the Risk Management Framework (RMF) process as well as working with cybersecurity tools to include security and assessment scans, STIG reviews, endpoint security and patch management.
  • Must have a bachelor’s degree in Information Technology, Cybersecurity, Data Science Information Systems, Computer Science, or a related field.
  • Must be willing and able to work on-site in San Diego, CA.
  • Must be willing and able to work an alternative work schedule which applies 9-hour days between 6:00am and 6:00pm with alternate Friday’s off.

About Us

IT-Strat is a technology consulting company that holds various contract vehicles including best in class vehicles. IT-Strat has supported multiple clients including the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), Customs and Border Protection (CBP) and Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE via both prime and meaningful subcontracts). Additionally, IT-Strat has prime contracts with Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA), Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) and many others. We maintain relationships with multiple large businesses.

IT-Strat was established in 2002. We are a certified Woman Owned Small Business. IT-Strat also successfully graduated as a SBA 8(A) company. It was an 8(a) company from 2008 through 2017 and currently still has 8(a) contract vehicles.

Benefits We Offer:

  • Four Medical/Vision options including an HSA plan.
  • Dental and Orthodontia plan
  • Vision Materials plan
  • Paid Life, Short-Term Disability, and Long-Term Disability
  • 401K Retirement Program with company contribution
  • Paid Vacation, Holidays, Sick Leave, Floating Holidays, Bereavement Leave
  • Semi-monthly pay cycle

Information Technology Strategies ("IT-Strat") is an Equal Employment Opportunity employer, and it is our policy to consider applicants for employment without regard to sex, race, color, creed, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, marital status, age, disability, veteran status, alienage, ancestry, and any other factors prohibited by law. Employment selections are based on company and client requirements and the qualifications and skills of the candidate. IT-Strat is committed to actively capitalizing on the diversity of skills, talents, and perspectives of our employees.


Annapolis Junction, MD, United States

Information Technology Strategies, INC. is a government IT solutions provider servicing commercial and government initiative in various parts of the United States. We are currently seeking a Jr. Agile Coach to work for our company.


  • Must be able to obtain a U.S. Government PUBLIC TRUST level security clearance (U.S. Citizenship, a clear criminal history check, and no pending or recent bankruptcies).
  • Client Agency is U.S. Transportation Security Agency.
  • Will serve as an Jr. Agile Coach to guide and coach teams through Agile transformation challenges. Will work under the guidance of more senior Agile coaches. Will apply advanced Scrum practices and principles, as well as expertise in leadership coaching and organizational transformation at both team and enterprise levels


  • Must be able to obtain a U.S. Government PUBLIC TRUST level security clearance (U.S. Citizenship, a clear criminal history check, and no pending or recent bankruptcies).
  • Must hold an Active Certified Scrum Professional from Scrum Alliance and/or ICAgile Certified Professional Agile Coaching.
  • Must have an Active Scrum certified SAFe 6.0 certification.
  • Must have 5+ years of experience designing and implementing agile coaching engagements for mid to senior level professionals, emerging leaders and first-time managers.
  • Must have a B.S. or B.A. degree.
  • Must have real-world experience that demonstrates use of advanced practices and principles of Scrum and successful guidance/coaching of organizations through agile transformation challenges;
  • Must have experience in leadership coaching, organizational transformation, and Agile practices at the teams (Program and below) and at the enterprise level.
  • Must have experience as a hands-on organizational change agent working across multiple teams (e.g. SF, TVS, TIM and SG) and organizational boundaries (e.g. TSD)
  • Must have experience assisting leadership and working-level team members with removing barriers and embracing transformation by assisting each organization to customize its own path, approach and solutions to becoming Agile.
  • Must have experience leading Agile transformation by leveraging best practices and principles of SAFe
  • Must have experience with launching Agile Release Trains (ARTs), building a Continuous Delivery Pipeline with DevOps culture, empowering a Lean Portfolio, and clearly understanding what it takes to successfully implement SAFe in the enterprise (starting with teams' / Program levels and scale up to Large Solutions and Portfolio levels). Experience supporting and executing PI Planning events, and coordinating multiple Agile Release Trains (ARTs)
  • Must have experience guiding Agile transformation and execution of Agile lifecycle via Agile application lifecycle management tools (e.g. Rational Teams Concert)
  • Must have experience coordinating large solutions.
  • Must be able to work on-site in Annapolis, MD.

About Us

IT-Strat is a technology consulting company that holds various contract vehicles including best in class vehicles. IT-Strat has supported multiple clients including the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), Customs and Border Protection (CBP) and Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE via both prime and meaningful subcontracts). Additionally, IT-Strat has prime contracts with Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA), Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) and many others. We maintain relationships with multiple large businesses.

IT-Strat was established in 2002. We are a certified Woman Owned Small Business. IT-Strat also successfully graduated as a SBA 8(A) company. It was an 8(a) company from 2008 through 2017 and currently still has 8(a) contract vehicles.

Benefits We Offer:

  • Four Medical/Vision options including an HSA plan.
  • Dental and Orthodontia plan
  • Vision Materials plan
  • Paid Life, Short-Term Disability, and Long-Term Disability
  • 401K Retirement Program with company contribution
  • Paid Vacation, Holidays, Sick Leave, Floating Holidays, Bereavement Leave
  • Semi-monthly pay cycle

Information Technology Strategies ("IT-Strat") is an Equal Employment Opportunity employer, and it is our policy to consider applicants for employment without regard to sex, race, color, creed, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, marital status, age, disability, veteran status, alienage, ancestry, and any other factors prohibited by law. Employment selections are based on company and client requirements and the qualifications and skills of the candidate. IT-Strat is committed to actively capitalizing on the diversity of skills, talents, and perspectives of our employees.



Information Technology Strategies, LLC. is a government IT solutions provider servicing commercial and government initiative in various parts of the United States. We are currently seeking a Middleware Administrator to work for our company.


  • Client Agency is Defense Logistics Agency
  • Must be eligible to obtain a U.S. Government IT-I / IT-II / SECRET / TOP SECRET Clearance. Sponsorship will not be provided. (Basic Eligibility requirements include U.S. Citizenship, a Clear Criminal History check, no Pending or recent bankruptcies.)
  • Provide application “Middleware” administration support enabling integration of systems and applications across the enterprise.
  • To provide application administration support for new and existing Oracle Fusion Middleware components (Oracle WebLogic Server, Oracle Identity Management, Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher, Oracle Access Manager).
  • Use Oracle Enterprise Manager (OEM) to monitor, secure, install, upgrade, configure, measure, and maintain Application Server integrity through active analysis of performance measures.
  • Install, configure, and patch Oracle WebLogic products in high availability environments.
  • Provide expertise of Oracle FMW deployment topologies, integration patterns, best practices, and architectures to support mission critical and high availability implementations.
  • Research new security threats and maintain security standards on all Application Server implementations.
  • Develop tests and procedures that regularly assess the health of database schemas; take corrective measures where appropriate.


  • Must be eligible to obtain a U.S. Government IT-I / IT-II / SECRET / TOP SECRET Clearance. Sponsorship will not be provided. (Basic Eligibility requirements include U.S. Citizenship, a Clear Criminal History check, no Pending or recent bankruptcies.)
  • One CE certification: AWS CSA, AWS CS, AWS CSO, CCP-V, OCI Foundations 2020, RHCE, RHCSA, or Sun SCNA.
  • One IAT-II security certification: CCNA Security, CySA+, GICSP, GSEC, Security+ CE, CND, SSCP, CASP+ CE, CCNP Security, CISA, CISSP, CISSA, GCED, GCIH, or CCSP
  • 5+ years of hands-on experience with Oracle Middleware
  • Hands-on experience using WebLogic 12c.
  • Hands-on experience using Microsoft Azure cloud.
  • Working knowledge of Oracle Internet Directory (OID), Oracle HTTP Server (OHS), and Oracle Access Management (OAM)
  • Accurate understanding of implementing Oracle and Java on a frequent basis.
  • Understanding of Oracle Database 19c.
  • Oral presentation experience and excellent oral and written communication skills.

About Us

IT-Strat is a technology consulting company that holds various contract vehicles including best in class vehicles. IT-Strat has supported multiple clients including the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), Customs and Border Protection (CBP) and Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE via both prime and meaningful subcontracts). Additionally, IT-Strat has prime contracts with Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA), Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) and many others. We maintain relationships with multiple large businesses.

IT-Strat was established in 2002. We are a certified Woman Owned Small Business. IT-Strat also successfully graduated as a SBA 8(A) company. It was an 8(a) company from 2008 through 2017 and currently still has 8(a) contract vehicles.

Benefits We Offer:

  • Four Medical/Vision options including an HSA plan
  • Dental and Orthodontia plan
  • Vision Materials plan
  • Paid Life, Short-Term Disability, and Long-Term Disability
  • 401K Retirement Program with company contribution
  • Paid Vacation, Holidays, Sick Leave, Floating Holidays, Bereavement Leave
  • Semi-monthly pay cycle

Information Technology Strategies (“IT-Strat”) is an Equal Employment Opportunity employer, and it is our policy to consider applicants for employment without regard to sex, race, color, creed, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, marital status, age, disability, veteran status, alienage, ancestry, and any other factors prohibited by law. Employment selections are based on company and client requirements and the qualifications and skills of the candidate. IT-Strat is committed to actively capitalizing on the diversity of skills, talents, and perspectives of our employees.



Information Technology Strategies, LLC. is a government IT solutions provider servicing commercial and government initiative in various parts of the United States. We are currently seeking a Mobile Delivery Lead to work for our company.


  • Must have an ACTIVE U.S. Government Top Secret/SCI Clearance.
  • Will oversee all production and dissemination applications development work.
  • Will develop and maintain technical strategies to ensure effective application development and integration between applications. Will work directly with key stakeholders to ensure they are up to date on all necessary information.


  • Must have an ACTIVE U.S. Government Top Secret/SCI Clearance.
  • 8+ years of Application Development experience
  • Must have experience leading teams of Application Developers.
  • Must have a B.S. degree in Computer Science or a related field. 
  • Must have an M.S. degree in Computer Science or a related field OR 10+ years of Application Development experience.
  • Must have hands-on experience with the following technologies: Node.js with Typescript, SQL, PostgreSQL, Redis, ElsaticSearch.
  • Oral presentation experience and excellent oral and written communication skills.
  • Willingness and ability to work on-site at the DIA Headquarters in Washington, DC.


  • Hands-on experience with the following technologies: JSON, Java, JavaScript, SharePoint, XML, VBAs, Oracle, MongoDB, Solr, and SQL.

About Us

IT-Strat is a technology consulting company that holds various contract vehicles including best in class vehicles. IT-Strat has supported multiple clients including the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), Customs and Border Protection (CBP) and Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE via both prime and meaningful subcontracts). Additionally, IT-Strat has prime contracts with Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA), Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) and many others. We maintain relationships with multiple large businesses.

IT-Strat was established in 2002. We are a certified Woman Owned Small Business. IT-Strat also successfully graduated as a SBA 8(A) company. It was an 8(a) company from 2008 through 2017 and currently still has 8(a) contract vehicles.

Benefits We Offer:

  • Four Medical/Vision options including an HSA plan.
  • Dental and Orthodontia plan
  • Vision Materials plan
  • Paid Life, Short-Term Disability, and Long-Term Disability
  • 401K Retirement Program with company contribution
  • Paid Vacation, Holidays, Sick Leave, Floating Holidays, Bereavement Leave
  • Semi-monthly pay cycle

Information Technology Strategies ("IT-Strat") is an Equal Employment Opportunity employer, and it is our policy to consider applicants for employment without regard to sex, race, color, creed, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, marital status, age, disability, veteran status, alienage, ancestry, and any other factors prohibited by law. Employment selections are based on company and client requirements and the qualifications and skills of the candidate. IT-Strat is committed to actively capitalizing on the diversity of skills, talents, and perspectives of our employees.


Springfield, VA, United States

Information Technology Strategies, LLC. is a government IT solutions provider servicing commercial and government initiative in various parts of the United States. We are currently seeking a Policy Analyst to work for our company.


  • A CURRENT U.S. Government TOP SECRET/SCI Clearance. Sponsorship will not be provided.
  • Client Agency is National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency.
  • Will be responsible for the execution of the agile release management lifecycle which includes daily scheduling, coordinating, and the management of releases every 8 weeks across the enterprise for all customer facing external websites on all domains (Top Secret, Secret and Unclassified). 
  • Will maintain and track Agile development schedule in an appropriate project management capability (e.g. Redmine, JIRA, etc.). 
  • Will manage and lead client software release leveraging Agile processes, tools and templates. 
  • Will define and document acceptance criteria for each story clearly and decompose customer requests into features. 
  • Will work closely with Government stakeholders to effectively manage customer expectations for all software releases. 
  • Will work directly with internal and external stakeholders, including senior staff and department managers, to ensure successful translation of requirements into high-quality product deliverables. 
  • Will track action items and actively identify and mitigate risks. 
  • Will conduct release readiness reviews, backlog grooming sessions, release planning events, milestone reviews, and business go/no-go decisions. 
  • Will formulate and translate user or functional requirements and mission needs into technical terminology and specifications. 
  • Will maintain the release schedule and program road map for all core services and ensure alignment across key partners and programs. 
  • Will review test cases against stories’ acceptance criteria. 
  • Will assist in maintaining configuration management of product backlog.


  • A CURRENT U.S. Government TOP SECRET/SCI Clearance. Sponsorship will not be provided.
  • Project Management Professional (PMP) Certification from Project Management Institute.
  • The ability to work on-site in Springfield, VA.
  • Experience with Agile Release Management including planning or management of release schedule and activities.
  • Experience applying Agile software practices or software development lifecycle.
  • Experience leading teams handling customer feedback requirements, writing user stories and acceptance criteria, and developing capability/tools documentation.


  • Experience working with Microsoft SharePoint.
  • Experience working with Redmine and JIRA applications.

About Us

IT-Strat is a technology consulting company that holds various contract vehicles including best in class vehicles. IT-Strat has supported multiple clients including the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), Customs and Border Protection (CBP) and Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE via both prime and meaningful subcontracts). Additionally, IT-Strat has prime contracts with Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA), Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) and many others. We maintain relationships with multiple large businesses.

IT-Strat was established in 2002. We are a certified Woman Owned Small Business. IT-Strat also successfully graduated as a SBA 8(A) company. It was an 8(a) company from 2008 through 2017 and currently still has 8(a) contract vehicles.

Benefits We Offer:

  • Four Medical/Vision options including an HSA plan.
  • Dental and Orthodontia plan
  • Vision Materials plan
  • Paid Life, Short-Term Disability, and Long-Term Disability
  • 401K Retirement Program with company contribution
  • Paid Vacation, Holidays, Sick Leave, Floating Holidays, Bereavement Leave
  • Semi-monthly pay cycle

Information Technology Strategies ("IT-Strat") is an Equal Employment Opportunity employer, and it is our policy to consider applicants for employment without regard to sex, race, color, creed, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, marital status, age, disability, veteran status, alienage, ancestry, and any other factors prohibited by law. Employment selections are based on company and client requirements and the qualifications and skills of the candidate. IT-Strat is committed to actively capitalizing on the diversity of skills, talents, and perspectives of our employees.


Washington, D.C., WA, United States

Information Technology Strategies, LLC. is a government IT solutions provider servicing commercial and government initiative in various parts of the United States. We are currently seeking a Program Manager in the Washington, D.C. Metro area to work for our company.


• Client Agency is U.S. Customs and Border Protection.

• Manage complex implementations in a multi-vendor hybrid on-premises/cloud application development ecosystem.

• Consulting capabilities across the product landscape, including but not limited to the broad Gloo, UiPath, Salesforce and ServiceNow product ecosystems.

• Provide flexible scaled agile services for cloud-modernized solutions.

• Develop and manage a detailed project schedule and work plan.

• Provide project updates on a consistent basis to various stakeholders about strategy, adjustments, and progress.

• Utilize industry best practices, techniques, and standards throughout entire project execution.

• Monitor progress and make adjustments as needed.

• Measure project performance to identify areas for improvement.


• Must currently reside in the Washington, D.C. Metro area.

• Ability to obtain a U.S. Customs and Border Protection suitability. Sponsorship will not be provided.

• 10+ years total experience for a Program Manager.

• 4+ years of project management experience, preferably on technical solution development projects.

• Experience managing cross-functional teams in a highly collaborative work environment.

• Experience with full lifecycle Agile program management.

• Experience delivering solutions to production and/or migrating legacy applications to new modern platforms.

• Experience with cloud and/or software as a service (SaaS) offerings and modernization efforts.

• Oral presentation experience and excellent oral and written communication skills.


• Current CBP suitability.

• PMP certification.

• Bachelor’s degree or equivalent experience preferred.

About Us

IT-Strat is a technology consulting company that holds various contract vehicles including best in class vehicles. IT-Strat has supported multiple clients including the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), Customs and Border Protection (CBP) and Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE via both prime and meaningful subcontracts). Additionally, IT-Strat has prime contracts with Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA), Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) and many others. We maintain relationships with multiple large businesses.

IT-Strat was established in 2002. We are a certified Woman Owned Small Business. IT-Strat also successfully graduated as a SBA 8(A) company. It was an 8(a) company from 2008 through 2017 and currently still has 8(a) contract vehicles.

Benefits We Offer:

Four Medical/Vision options including an HSA plan Dental and Orthodonture plan

Vision Materials plan

About Us

IT-Strat is a technology consulting company that holds various contract vehicles including best in class vehicles. IT-Strat has supported multiple clients including the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), Customs and Border Protection (CBP) and Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE via both prime and meaningful subcontracts). Additionally, IT-Strat has prime contracts with Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA), Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) and many others. We maintain relationships with multiple large businesses.

IT-Strat was established in 2002. We are a certified Woman Owned Small Business. IT-Strat also successfully graduated as a SBA 8(A) company. It was an 8(a) company from 2008 through 2017 and currently still has 8(a) contract vehicles.

Benefits We Offer:

Four Medical/Vision options including an HSA plan Dental and Orthodonture plan

Vision Materials plan

Paid Life, Short-Term Disability, and Long-Term Disability 401K Retirement Program with company contribution

Paid Vacation, Holidays, Sick Leave, Floating Holidays, Bereavement Leave Semi-monthly pay cycle

Information Technology Strategies (“IT-Strat”) is an Equal Employment Opportunity employer, and it is our policy to consider applicants for employment without regard to sex, race, color, creed, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, marital status, age, disability, veteran status, alienage, ancestry, and any other factors prohibited by law. Employment selections are based on company and client requirements and the qualifications and skills of the candidate. IT-Strat is committed to actively capitalizing on the diversity of skills, talents, and perspectives of our employees.



Information Technology Strategies, LLC. is a government IT solutions provider servicing commercial and government initiative in various parts of the United States. We are currently seeking a Program Manager to work for our company.


  • Must have an ACTIVE U.S. Government Top Secret/SCI Clearance.
  • Will be responsible for the management and oversight of all personnel. Will be responsible for informing the Government on all financial and staffing reports. Will solicit feedback to increase performance and efficiency. Will be a key decision maker. Will lead monthly/quarterly technical statues meetings.


  • Must have an ACTIVE U.S. Government Top Secret/SCI Clearance.
  • 12+ years of Program Management experience.
  • Must have a M.S. Degree in a related field OR 14+ years of program management experience.
  • Must have a B.S. Degree in a related field.
  • 3+ years of Microsoft Office Suite experience
  • Oral presentation experience and excellent oral and written communication skills.
  • Willingness and ability to work on-site at the DIA Headquarters in Washington, DC


  • An Active PMP (Project Management Professional) Certification.

About Us

IT-Strat is a technology consulting company that holds various contract vehicles including best in class vehicles. IT-Strat has supported multiple clients including the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), Customs and Border Protection (CBP) and Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE via both prime and meaningful subcontracts). Additionally, IT-Strat has prime contracts with Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA), Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) and many others. We maintain relationships with multiple large businesses.

IT-Strat was established in 2002. We are a certified Woman Owned Small Business. IT-Strat also successfully graduated as a SBA 8(A) company. It was an 8(a) company from 2008 through 2017 and currently still has 8(a) contract vehicles.

Benefits We Offer:

  • Four Medical/Vision options including an HSA plan.
  • Dental and Orthodontia plan
  • Vision Materials plan
  • Paid Life, Short-Term Disability, and Long-Term Disability
  • 401K Retirement Program with company contribution
  • Paid Vacation, Holidays, Sick Leave, Floating Holidays, Bereavement Leave
  • Semi-monthly pay cycle

Information Technology Strategies ("IT-Strat") is an Equal Employment Opportunity employer, and it is our policy to consider applicants for employment without regard to sex, race, color, creed, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, marital status, age, disability, veteran status, alienage, ancestry, and any other factors prohibited by law. Employment selections are based on company and client requirements and the qualifications and skills of the candidate. IT-Strat is committed to actively capitalizing on the diversity of skills, talents, and perspectives of our employees.


Washington, DC, United States

Information Technology Strategies, LLC. is a government IT solutions provider servicing commercial and government initiative in various parts of the United States. We are currently seeking a Program Manager to work for our company.


  • Must be able to pass DHS Background check (Basic eligibility requirements include U.S. Citizenship, clear criminal history, no recent or pending bankruptcies).
  • Client Agency is U.S. Department of Homeland Security.
  • The Program Manager will ensure the team is fully functional and productive, enables close cooperation across all roles and functions, shields the team from external interferences and removes barriers, facilitates Project Meetings, communicates information outside the team, keeps the team focused on the tasks at hand, conducts stakeholder management.


  • Must be able to pass DHS Background check (Basic eligibility requirements include U.S. Citizenship, clear criminal history, no recent or pending bankruptcies).
  • Must hold an Active PMP (Project Management Professional) Certification
  • Must hold 8+ years of experience leading large projects and programs.
  • Must have experience within the last 3 years working with government agencies or private sector organizations relative to human resources and applying Salesforce work and knowledge in a HR IT environment is preferred for all staffing positions, including key personnel positions. 
  • Experience effectively communicating with senior levels of a customer organization.
  • Experience meeting with customer and contractor personnel to formulate and review task plans and deliverable items, and effectively execute those items in accordance with approved plans.
  • Experience managing cross-functional teams in a highly collaborative work environment.
  • Experience delivering solutions to production and/or migrating legacy applications to new, modern platforms
  • Experience with cloud and/or SaaS offerings and modernization efforts.
  • Experience with full lifecycle Agile program management.


  •  Agile Certified Practitioner (PMI-ACP) Certification
  • Experience overseeing Salesforce programs in an HR IT environment. 

About Us

IT-Strat is a technology consulting company that holds various contract vehicles including best in class vehicles. IT-Strat has supported multiple clients including the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), Customs and Border Protection (CBP) and Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE via both prime and meaningful subcontracts). Additionally, IT-Strat has prime contracts with Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA), Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) and many others. We maintain relationships with multiple large businesses.

IT-Strat was established in 2002. We are a certified Woman Owned Small Business. IT-Strat also successfully graduated as a SBA 8(A) company. It was an 8(a) company from 2008 through 2017 and currently still has 8(a) contract vehicles.

Benefits We Offer:

  • Four Medical/Vision options including an HSA plan.
  • Dental and Orthodontia plan
  • Vision Materials plan
  • Paid Life, Short-Term Disability, and Long-Term Disability
  • 401K Retirement Program with company contribution
  • Paid Vacation, Holidays, Sick Leave, Floating Holidays, Bereavement Leave
  • Semi-monthly pay cycle

Information Technology Strategies ("IT-Strat") is an Equal Employment Opportunity employer, and it is our policy to consider applicants for employment without regard to sex, race, color, creed, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, marital status, age, disability, veteran status, alienage, ancestry, and any other factors prohibited by law. Employment selections are based on company and client requirements and the qualifications and skills of the candidate. IT-Strat is committed to actively capitalizing on the diversity of skills, talents, and perspectives of our employees.


Battle Creek, MI, United States

Information Technology Strategies, INC. is a government IT solutions provider servicing commercial and government initiative in various parts of the United States. We are currently seeking a Program Manager to work for our company.


  • Client Agency is Defense Logistics Agency.
  • Must be eligible for a U.S. Government IT-I / IT-II / SECRET / TOP SECRET Clearance. (Basic requirements include, U.S. Citizenship, a clear criminal history check, no pending or recent bankruptcy)
  • Will lead leads projects that involve the successful management of teams composed of data processing and other information management professionals who have been involved in analysis, design, integration, testing, documenting, converting, extending, and implementing automated information and/or telecommunications systems.  Will perform day-to-day management of overall contract support operations, possibly involving multiple projects and groups of personnel at multiple locations. Will organize, direct, and coordinate the planning and production of all contract support activities. Will establish and alter (as necessary) corporate management structure to direct effective contract support activities. 
  • Must be willing and able to travel to Battle Creek, MI to support training, meetings, and events as needed.


  • Must be eligible for a U.S. Government IT-I / IT-II / SECRET / TOP SECRET Clearance. (Basic requirements include, U.S. Citizenship, a clear criminal history check, no pending or recent bankruptcy)
  • Must hold an ACTIVE Project Management Professional (PMP) Certification.
  • Must have 5+ years of program management experience.
  • Must have 10+ years of leadership experience with progressively higher responsibility in the public and/or private sector in the IT and/or consulting fields.
  • Must have experience with the Information Technology Acquisition process and its milestones.
  • Must have experience in analyzing a variety of source documentation and supporting the creation of acquisition documentation.
  • Must have excellent written and oral communication skills.
  • Must be willing and able to travel to Battle Creek, MI to support training, meetings, and events as needed.

About Us

IT-Strat is a technology consulting company that holds various contract vehicles including best in class vehicles. IT-Strat has supported multiple clients including the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), Customs and Border Protection (CBP) and Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE via both prime and meaningful subcontracts). Additionally, IT-Strat has prime contracts with Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA), Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) and many others. We maintain relationships with multiple large businesses.

IT-Strat was established in 2002. We are a certified Woman Owned Small Business. IT-Strat also successfully graduated as a SBA 8(A) company. It was an 8(a) company from 2008 through 2017 and currently still has 8(a) contract vehicles.

Benefits We Offer:

  • Four Medical/Vision options including an HSA plan.
  • Dental and Orthodontia plan
  • Vision Materials plan
  • Paid Life, Short-Term Disability, and Long-Term Disability
  • 401K Retirement Program with company contribution
  • Paid Vacation, Holidays, Sick Leave, Floating Holidays, Bereavement Leave
  • Semi-monthly pay cycle

Information Technology Strategies ("IT-Strat") is an Equal Employment Opportunity employer, and it is our policy to consider applicants for employment without regard to sex, race, color, creed, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, marital status, age, disability, veteran status, alienage, ancestry, and any other factors prohibited by law. Employment selections are based on company and client requirements and the qualifications and skills of the candidate. IT-Strat is committed to actively capitalizing on the diversity of skills, talents, and perspectives of our employees.


San Diego, CA, United States

Information Technology Strategies, INC. is a government IT solutions provider servicing commercial and government initiative in various parts of the United States. We are currently seeking a SQL Server Database Administrator to work for our company.


  • Client Agency is Naval Health Research Center.
  • Must be eligible for a U.S. Government IT-I / IT-II / SECRET / TOP SECRET Clearance. (Basic requirements include, U.S. Citizenship, a clear criminal history check, no pending or recent bankruptcy)
  • Responsible for the installation, configuration, maintenance, and performance optimization of SQL databases, ensuring their availability, security, and efficient operation. 


  • Must be eligible for a U.S. Government IT-I / IT-II / SECRET / TOP SECRET Clearance. (Basic requirements include, U.S. Citizenship, a clear criminal history check, no pending or recent bankruptcy)
  • Must have 3+ years of experience with Microsoft SQL Server, including storing procedures, synonyms, indexing, and performance tuning, as well as Microsoft Access database migration.
  • Must have 3+ years of hands-on experience with .NET, C++, C#, F#, Visual Basic and Python.
  • Must have a bachelor’s degree in information technology, Cybersecurity, Data Science, Information Systems, Computer Science, or a related field.
  • Must be willing and able to work on-site in San Diego, CA.
  • Must be willing and able to work an alternative work schedule which applies 9-hour days between 6:00am and 6:00pm with alternate Friday’s off.

About Us

IT-Strat is a technology consulting company that holds various contract vehicles including best in class vehicles. IT-Strat has supported multiple clients including the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), Customs and Border Protection (CBP) and Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE via both prime and meaningful subcontracts). Additionally, IT-Strat has prime contracts with Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA), Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) and many others. We maintain relationships with multiple large businesses.

IT-Strat was established in 2002. We are a certified Woman Owned Small Business. IT-Strat also successfully graduated as a SBA 8(A) company. It was an 8(a) company from 2008 through 2017 and currently still has 8(a) contract vehicles.

Benefits We Offer:

  • Four Medical/Vision options including an HSA plan.
  • Dental and Orthodontia plan
  • Vision Materials plan
  • Paid Life, Short-Term Disability, and Long-Term Disability
  • 401K Retirement Program with company contribution
  • Paid Vacation, Holidays, Sick Leave, Floating Holidays, Bereavement Leave
  • Semi-monthly pay cycle

Information Technology Strategies ("IT-Strat") is an Equal Employment Opportunity employer, and it is our policy to consider applicants for employment without regard to sex, race, color, creed, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, marital status, age, disability, veteran status, alienage, ancestry, and any other factors prohibited by law. Employment selections are based on company and client requirements and the qualifications and skills of the candidate. IT-Strat is committed to actively capitalizing on the diversity of skills, talents, and perspectives of our employees.


Washington, DC, United States

Information Technology Strategies, INC. is a government IT solutions provider servicing commercial and government initiative in various parts of the United States. We are currently seeking a Salesforce Technical Architect to work for our company.


  • Must be able to pass DHS Background check (Basic eligibility requirements include U.S. Citizenship, clear criminal history, no recent or pending bankruptcies).
  • Client Agency is U.S. Department of Homeland Security.
  • The Salesforce Technical Architect will serve as executive-level strategic advisor who focus on business transformation with unrivaled domain expertise in functional, platform and integration architecture. Will communicate technical solutions and design tradeoffs effectively to business stakeholders and provide a delivery framework that ensures quality and success.


  • Must be able to pass DHS Background check (Basic eligibility requirements include U.S. Citizenship, clear criminal history, no recent or pending bankruptcies).
  •  Must hold Salesforce Certified Technical Architect (CTA) certification.
  • Must hold 8+ of Salesforce experience and understanding of Salesforce functionality, technology, implementation, and development methodology.
  • Must have experience within the 3 years working with government agencies or private sector organizations relative to human resources and applying Salesforce work and knowledge in a HR IT environment is preferred for all staffing positions, including key personnel positions. 
  • Must have proven experience leading the development of Salesforce data structures and best practices for leveraging full use of the platform to meet complex requirements.
  • Must have deep experience as a lead architect for federal Salesforce implementations.
  • Must have deep understanding of a wide range of Salesforce functionality, technology, and development methodologies.
  • Must have experience developing technical work estimates, directs developers, performs code and architect reviews, provides detail design and documentation, designs integrations with other system, troubleshoots and resolves problems, identifies non-functional requirements, and documents the technical roadmap.

About Us

IT-Strat is a technology consulting company that holds various contract vehicles including best in class vehicles. IT-Strat has supported multiple clients including the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), Customs and Border Protection (CBP) and Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE via both prime and meaningful subcontracts). Additionally, IT-Strat has prime contracts with Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA), Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) and many others. We maintain relationships with multiple large businesses.

IT-Strat was established in 2002. We are a certified Woman Owned Small Business. IT-Strat also successfully graduated as a SBA 8(A) company. It was an 8(a) company from 2008 through 2017 and currently still has 8(a) contract vehicles.

Benefits We Offer:

  • Four Medical/Vision options including an HSA plan.
  • Dental and Orthodontia plan
  • Vision Materials plan
  • Paid Life, Short-Term Disability, and Long-Term Disability
  • 401K Retirement Program with company contribution
  • Paid Vacation, Holidays, Sick Leave, Floating Holidays, Bereavement Leave
  • Semi-monthly pay cycle

Information Technology Strategies ("IT-Strat") is an Equal Employment Opportunity employer, and it is our policy to consider applicants for employment without regard to sex, race, color, creed, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, marital status, age, disability, veteran status, alienage, ancestry, and any other factors prohibited by law. Employment selections are based on company and client requirements and the qualifications and skills of the candidate. IT-Strat is committed to actively capitalizing on the diversity of skills, talents, and perspectives of our employees.



Information Technology Strategies, LLC. is a government IT solutions provider servicing commercial and government initiative in various parts of the United States. We are currently seeking a Senior Application Developer to work for our company.


  • Must have an ACTIVE U.S. Government Top Secret/SCI Clearance.
  • Will be responsible for leading the team of Application Developers.
  • Will develop and maintain technical strategies to ensure effective application development and integration between applications. Will work directly with key stakeholders to ensure they are up to date on all necessary information.


  • Must have an ACTIVE U.S. Government Top Secret/SCI Clearance.
  • 12+ years of Application Development experience
  • Must have a B.S. degree in Computer Science or a related field. 
  • Must have an M.S. degree in Computer Science or a related field OR 14+ years of Application Development experience.
  • Must have hands-on experience with the following technologies: Node.js, Typescript SQL, PostgreSQL, Redis, and Elasticsearch.
  • Oral presentation experience and excellent oral and written communication skills.
  • Willingness and ability to work on-site at the DIA Headquarters in Washington, DC


  • Hands-on experience with the following technologies: JSON, Java, JavaScript, SharePoint, XML, VBAs, Oracle, MongoDB, Solr, and SQL.

About Us

IT-Strat is a technology consulting company that holds various contract vehicles including best in class vehicles. IT-Strat has supported multiple clients including the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), Customs and Border Protection (CBP) and Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE via both prime and meaningful subcontracts). Additionally, IT-Strat has prime contracts with Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA), Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) and many others. We maintain relationships with multiple large businesses.

IT-Strat was established in 2002. We are a certified Woman Owned Small Business. IT-Strat also successfully graduated as a SBA 8(A) company. It was an 8(a) company from 2008 through 2017 and currently still has 8(a) contract vehicles.

Benefits We Offer:

  • Four Medical/Vision options including an HSA plan.
  • Dental and Orthodontia plan
  • Vision Materials plan
  • Paid Life, Short-Term Disability, and Long-Term Disability
  • 401K Retirement Program with company contribution
  • Paid Vacation, Holidays, Sick Leave, Floating Holidays, Bereavement Leave
  • Semi-monthly pay cycle

Information Technology Strategies ("IT-Strat") is an Equal Employment Opportunity employer, and it is our policy to consider applicants for employment without regard to sex, race, color, creed, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, marital status, age, disability, veteran status, alienage, ancestry, and any other factors prohibited by law. Employment selections are based on company and client requirements and the qualifications and skills of the candidate. IT-Strat is committed to actively capitalizing on the diversity of skills, talents, and perspectives of our employees.


San Diego, CA, United States

Information Technology Strategies, INC. is a government IT solutions provider servicing commercial and government initiative in various parts of the United States. We are currently seeking a Senior Network Engineer to work for our company.


  • Client Agency is Naval Health Research Center.
  • Must be eligible for a U.S. Government IT-I / IT-II / SECRET / TOP SECRET Clearance. (Basic requirements include, U.S. Citizenship, a clear criminal history check, no pending or recent bankruptcy)
  • Responsible for designing, implementing, and managing network infrastructure to ensure reliable and secure connectivity. Will install, configure, and troubleshoot network devices, handle network connectivity issues, and maintain network infrastructure device operating system software such as IOS and firmware. Additionally, will manage VLANs, firewalls, ports, and protocols, implementing security policies and controls (STIGs) to protect the network from threats and ensure compliance with industry standards.


  • Must be eligible for a U.S. Government IT-I / IT-II / SECRET / TOP SECRET Clearance. (Basic requirements include, U.S. Citizenship, a clear criminal history check, no pending or recent bankruptcy)
  • Must have one of the following certifications: CompTIA Security+ CE, CASP+ CE, CISA, CCNP Security, CISSP, GCED, GCIH, CCSP.
  • Must have 5+ years of hands-on experience with Network Administration/Engineering including technical skills in network administration, installing, configuring and troubleshooting network devices, network connectivity and network infrastructure device operating system software (IOS, firmware), VLANS, firewalls, ports and protocols to include security policies and controls (STIGS).
  • Must have a bachelor’s degree in information technology, Cybersecurity, Data Science, Information Systems, Computer Science, or a related field.
  • Must be willing and able to work on-site in San Diego, CA.
  • Must be willing and able to work an alternative work schedule which applies 9-hour days between 6:00am and 6:00pm with alternate Friday’s off.

About Us

IT-Strat is a technology consulting company that holds various contract vehicles including best in class vehicles. IT-Strat has supported multiple clients including the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), Customs and Border Protection (CBP) and Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE via both prime and meaningful subcontracts). Additionally, IT-Strat has prime contracts with Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA), Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) and many others. We maintain relationships with multiple large businesses.

IT-Strat was established in 2002. We are a certified Woman Owned Small Business. IT-Strat also successfully graduated as a SBA 8(A) company. It was an 8(a) company from 2008 through 2017 and currently still has 8(a) contract vehicles.

Benefits We Offer:

  • Four Medical/Vision options including an HSA plan.
  • Dental and Orthodontia plan
  • Vision Materials plan
  • Paid Life, Short-Term Disability, and Long-Term Disability
  • 401K Retirement Program with company contribution
  • Paid Vacation, Holidays, Sick Leave, Floating Holidays, Bereavement Leave
  • Semi-monthly pay cycle

Information Technology Strategies ("IT-Strat") is an Equal Employment Opportunity employer, and it is our policy to consider applicants for employment without regard to sex, race, color, creed, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, marital status, age, disability, veteran status, alienage, ancestry, and any other factors prohibited by law. Employment selections are based on company and client requirements and the qualifications and skills of the candidate. IT-Strat is committed to actively capitalizing on the diversity of skills, talents, and perspectives of our employees.



Information Technology Strategies, INC. is a government IT solutions provider servicing commercial and government initiative in various parts of the United States. We are currently seeking a ServiceNow Application Developer to work for our company. 


  • Client Agency is ​Defense Logistics Agency.​ 
  • Must be eligible for a U.S. Government IT-I / IT-II / SECRET / TOP SECRET Clearance. (Basic requirements include, U.S. Citizenship, a clear criminal history check, no pending or recent bankruptcy)
  • Will be responsible for designing and developing new software products or major enhancements to existing software. Will address problems of systems integration, compatibility, and multiple platforms. Will perform feasibility analysis on potential future projects for management. 


  • Must be eligible for a U.S. Government IT-I / IT-II / SECRET / TOP SECRET Clearance. (Basic requirements include, U.S. Citizenship, a clear criminal history check, no pending or recent bankruptcy)
  • Must have a ServiceNow Certified Application Developer (CAD) Certification.
  • Must have 5+ years of ServiceNow experience.  
  • Hands-on experience with ServiceNow HRSD and HrPro. 
  • Hands-on experience with JavaScript. 
  • Hands-on experience with ServiceNow Catalogs and portal management, creating and managing workspaces in ServiceNow.  
  • Hands-on experience with email notifications, email notification script, email templates and email client templates. 
  • Hands-on experience with ServiceNow workflows and flow designers.  
  • Hands-on experience with ServiceNow integration using Integration hub and spokes.

About Us 

IT-Strat is a technology consulting company that holds various contract vehicles including best in class vehicles. IT-Strat has supported multiple clients including the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), Customs and Border Protection (CBP) and Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE via both prime and meaningful subcontracts). Additionally, IT-Strat has prime contracts with Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA), Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) and many others. We maintain relationships with multiple large businesses. 

IT-Strat was established in 2002. We are a certified Woman Owned Small Business. IT-Strat also successfully graduated as a SBA 8(A) company. It was an 8(a) company from 2008 through 2017 and currently still has 8(a) contract vehicles. 

Benefits We Offer: 

  • Four Medical/Vision options including an HSA plan. 
  • Dental and Orthodontia plan 
  • Vision Materials plan 
  • Paid Life, Short-Term Disability, and Long-Term Disability 
  • 401K Retirement Program with company contribution 
  • Paid Vacation, Holidays, Sick Leave, Floating Holidays, Bereavement Leave 
  • Semi-monthly pay cycle 

Information Technology Strategies ("IT-Strat") is an Equal Employment Opportunity employer, and it is our policy to consider applicants for employment without regard to sex, race, color, creed, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, marital status, age, disability, veteran status, alienage, ancestry, and any other factors prohibited by law. Employment selections are based on company and client requirements and the qualifications and skills of the candidate. IT-Strat is committed to actively capitalizing on the diversity of skills, talents, and perspectives of our employees. 


San Diego, CA, United States

Information Technology Strategies, INC. is a government IT solutions provider servicing commercial and government initiative in various parts of the United States. We are currently seeking a Sr. SQL Server Database Developer to work for our company.


  • Client Agency is Naval Health Research Center.
  • Must be eligible for a U.S. Government IT-I / IT-II / SECRET / TOP SECRET Clearance. (Basic requirements include, U.S. Citizenship, a clear criminal history check, no pending or recent bankruptcy)
  • Responsible for imaging, troubleshooting software/hardware, imaging, testing and installation of software/hardware and overall customer support.


  • Must be eligible for a U.S. Government IT-I / IT-II / SECRET / TOP SECRET Clearance. (Basic requirements include, U.S. Citizenship, a clear criminal history check, no pending or recent bankruptcy)
  • Must have one of the following certifications: CompTIA Security+ CE, CASP+ CE, CISA, CCNP Security, CISSP, GCED, GCIH, CCSP.
  • Must have 3+ years of experience imaging, troubleshooting software/hardware, imaging, testing and installation of software/hardware and overall customer support.
  • Must be able to lift computer equipment up to 25 pounds.
  • Must have a bachelor’s degree in information technology, Cybersecurity, Data Science, Information Systems, Computer Science, or a related field.
  • Must be willing and able to work on-site in San Diego, CA.
  • Must be willing and able to work an alternative work schedule which applies 9-hour days between 6:00am and 6:00pm with alternate Friday’s off.

About Us

IT-Strat is a technology consulting company that holds various contract vehicles including best in class vehicles. IT-Strat has supported multiple clients including the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), Customs and Border Protection (CBP) and Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE via both prime and meaningful subcontracts). Additionally, IT-Strat has prime contracts with Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA), Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) and many others. We maintain relationships with multiple large businesses.

IT-Strat was established in 2002. We are a certified Woman Owned Small Business. IT-Strat also successfully graduated as a SBA 8(A) company. It was an 8(a) company from 2008 through 2017 and currently still has 8(a) contract vehicles.

Benefits We Offer:

  • Four Medical/Vision options including an HSA plan.
  • Dental and Orthodontia plan
  • Vision Materials plan
  • Paid Life, Short-Term Disability, and Long-Term Disability
  • 401K Retirement Program with company contribution
  • Paid Vacation, Holidays, Sick Leave, Floating Holidays, Bereavement Leave
  • Semi-monthly pay cycle

Information Technology Strategies ("IT-Strat") is an Equal Employment Opportunity employer, and it is our policy to consider applicants for employment without regard to sex, race, color, creed, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, marital status, age, disability, veteran status, alienage, ancestry, and any other factors prohibited by law. Employment selections are based on company and client requirements and the qualifications and skills of the candidate. IT-Strat is committed to actively capitalizing on the diversity of skills, talents, and perspectives of our employees.


San Diego, CA, United States

Information Technology Strategies, INC. is a government IT solutions provider servicing commercial and government initiative in various parts of the United States. We are currently seeking a Senior Programmer / Analyst to work for our company.


  • Client Agency is U.S. Navy.
  • Must be eligible for a U.S. Government IT-I / IT-II / SECRET / TOP SECRET Clearance. (Basic requirements include, U.S. Citizenship, a clear criminal history check, no pending or recent bankruptcy)
  • Responsible for overseeing and managing the software development lifecycle and application management while keeping best practices in mind.


  • Must be eligible for a U.S. Government IT-I / IT-II / SECRET / TOP SECRET Clearance. (Basic requirements include, U.S. Citizenship, a clear criminal history check, no pending or recent bankruptcy)
  • Must have 5+ years of experience as a systems analyst or software developer including Software Development Lifecycle Management and best practices and application development
  • Must have 5+ years of experience with .NET, C++, C#, F#, Visual Basic and Python.
  • Must have a bachelor’s degree in information technology, Cybersecurity, Data Science, Information Systems, Computer Science, or a related field.
  • Must be willing and able to work on-site in San Diego, CA.
  • Must be willing and able to work an alternative work schedule which applies 9-hour days between 6:00am and 6:00pm with alternate Friday’s off.

About Us

IT-Strat is a technology consulting company that holds various contract vehicles including best in class vehicles. IT-Strat has supported multiple clients including the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), Customs and Border Protection (CBP) and Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE via both prime and meaningful subcontracts). Additionally, IT-Strat has prime contracts with Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA), Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) and many others. We maintain relationships with multiple large businesses.

IT-Strat was established in 2002. We are a certified Woman Owned Small Business. IT-Strat also successfully graduated as a SBA 8(A) company. It was an 8(a) company from 2008 through 2017 and currently still has 8(a) contract vehicles.

Benefits We Offer:

  • Four Medical/Vision options including an HSA plan.
  • Dental and Orthodontia plan
  • Vision Materials plan
  • Paid Life, Short-Term Disability, and Long-Term Disability
  • 401K Retirement Program with company contribution
  • Paid Vacation, Holidays, Sick Leave, Floating Holidays, Bereavement Leave
  • Semi-monthly pay cycle

Information Technology Strategies ("IT-Strat") is an Equal Employment Opportunity employer, and it is our policy to consider applicants for employment without regard to sex, race, color, creed, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, marital status, age, disability, veteran status, alienage, ancestry, and any other factors prohibited by law. Employment selections are based on company and client requirements and the qualifications and skills of the candidate. IT-Strat is committed to actively capitalizing on the diversity of skills, talents, and perspectives of our employees.


San Diego, CA, United States

Information Technology Strategies, INC. is a government IT solutions provider servicing commercial and government initiative in various parts of the United States. We are currently seeking a Sr. SQL Server Database Developer to work for our company.


  • Client Agency is Naval Health Research Center.
  • Must be eligible for a U.S. Government IT-I / IT-II / SECRET / TOP SECRET Clearance. (Basic requirements include, U.S. Citizenship, a clear criminal history check, no pending or recent bankruptcy)
  • Responsible for database creation, maintenance, troubleshooting, software development, and database migration using Microsoft SQL Server, as well as developing with .NET languages.


  • Must be eligible for a U.S. Government IT-I / IT-II / SECRET / TOP SECRET Clearance. (Basic requirements include, U.S. Citizenship, a clear criminal history check, no pending or recent bankruptcy)
  • Must have 5+ years of hands-on experience with Microsoft SQL Server, including database creation, maintenance, troubleshooting, software development, storing procedures, synonyms, indexing, and performance tuning, as well as database migration.
  • Must have 5+ years of hands-on experience with .NET, C++, C#, F#, Visual Basic and Python.
  • Must have a bachelor’s degree in information technology, Cybersecurity, Data Science, Information Systems, Computer Science, or a related field.
  • Must be willing and able to work on-site in San Diego, CA.
  • Must be willing and able to work an alternative work schedule which applies 9-hour days between 6:00am and 6:00pm with alternate Friday’s off.

About Us

IT-Strat is a technology consulting company that holds various contract vehicles including best in class vehicles. IT-Strat has supported multiple clients including the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), Customs and Border Protection (CBP) and Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE via both prime and meaningful subcontracts). Additionally, IT-Strat has prime contracts with Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA), Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) and many others. We maintain relationships with multiple large businesses.

IT-Strat was established in 2002. We are a certified Woman Owned Small Business. IT-Strat also successfully graduated as a SBA 8(A) company. It was an 8(a) company from 2008 through 2017 and currently still has 8(a) contract vehicles.

Benefits We Offer:

  • Four Medical/Vision options including an HSA plan.
  • Dental and Orthodontia plan
  • Vision Materials plan
  • Paid Life, Short-Term Disability, and Long-Term Disability
  • 401K Retirement Program with company contribution
  • Paid Vacation, Holidays, Sick Leave, Floating Holidays, Bereavement Leave
  • Semi-monthly pay cycle

Information Technology Strategies ("IT-Strat") is an Equal Employment Opportunity employer, and it is our policy to consider applicants for employment without regard to sex, race, color, creed, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, marital status, age, disability, veteran status, alienage, ancestry, and any other factors prohibited by law. Employment selections are based on company and client requirements and the qualifications and skills of the candidate. IT-Strat is committed to actively capitalizing on the diversity of skills, talents, and perspectives of our employees.


San Diego, CA, United States

Information Technology Strategies, INC. is a government IT solutions provider servicing commercial and government initiative in various parts of the United States. We are currently seeking a Senior Server Administrator / Architect to work for our company.


  • Client Agency is Naval Health Research Center.
  • Must be eligible for a U.S. Government IT-I / IT-II / SECRET / TOP SECRET Clearance. (Basic requirements include, U.S. Citizenship, a clear criminal history check, no pending or recent bankruptcy)
  • Responsible for overseeing and managing server infrastructure, ensuring optimal performance and security. Will be responsible for the administration of Windows Server environments, including virtual and backup systems, data migration, and print servers. Additionally, will manage Active Directory, DHCP, and group policies to ensure seamless network operations and adherence to organizational policies.


  • Must be eligible for a U.S. Government IT-I / IT-II / SECRET / TOP SECRET Clearance. (Basic requirements include, U.S. Citizenship, a clear criminal history check, no pending or recent bankruptcy)
  • Must have one of the following certifications: CompTIA Security+ CE, CASP+ CE, CISA, CCNP Security, CISSP, GCED, GCIH, CCSP.
  • Must have 5+ years of hands-on experience with on-premise, Azure, and hybrid architecture of Windows Server including architecting and managing/administration of virtual and backups systems, data migration projects, print servers, Active Directory, Domains, DNS, DHCP and group policies, Powershell
  • Must have a bachelor’s degree in information technology, Cybersecurity, Data Science, Information Systems, Computer Science, or a related field.
  • Must be willing and able to work on-site in San Diego, CA.
  • Must be willing and able to work an alternative work schedule which applies 9-hour days between 6:00am and 6:00pm with alternate Friday’s off.

About Us

IT-Strat is a technology consulting company that holds various contract vehicles including best in class vehicles. IT-Strat has supported multiple clients including the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), Customs and Border Protection (CBP) and Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE via both prime and meaningful subcontracts). Additionally, IT-Strat has prime contracts with Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA), Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) and many others. We maintain relationships with multiple large businesses.

IT-Strat was established in 2002. We are a certified Woman Owned Small Business. IT-Strat also successfully graduated as a SBA 8(A) company. It was an 8(a) company from 2008 through 2017 and currently still has 8(a) contract vehicles.

Benefits We Offer:

  • Four Medical/Vision options including an HSA plan.
  • Dental and Orthodontia plan
  • Vision Materials plan
  • Paid Life, Short-Term Disability, and Long-Term Disability
  • 401K Retirement Program with company contribution
  • Paid Vacation, Holidays, Sick Leave, Floating Holidays, Bereavement Leave
  •  Semi-monthly pay cycle

Information Technology Strategies ("IT-Strat") is an Equal Employment Opportunity employer, and it is our policy to consider applicants for employment without regard to sex, race, color, creed, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, marital status, age, disability, veteran status, alienage, ancestry, and any other factors prohibited by law. Employment selections are based on company and client requirements and the qualifications and skills of the candidate. IT-Strat is committed to actively capitalizing on the diversity of skills, talents, and perspectives of our employees.


Washington, DC, United States

Information Technology Strategies, INC. is a government IT solutions provider servicing commercial and government initiative in various parts of the United States. We are currently seeking a Sr. Software Engineer to work for our company.


  • Must be eligible for a U.S. Government IT-I / IT-II / SECRET / TOP SECRET Clearance. (Basic requirements include, U.S. Citizenship, a clear criminal history check, no pending or recent bankruptcy)
  • Location: Washington DC metro preferred / Remote / Onsite Locations (Travel Possibly a few times a year)
  • We are seeking a highly skilled and experienced Senior Software Engineer to join our dynamic team. This role demands a strong background in software development, DevSecOps practices, and cloud computing. The ideal candidate will be responsible for designing, developing, and implementing advanced software solutions that align with requirements and strategic goals. This is an excellent opportunity for a seasoned professional to make a significant impact in a fast-paced environment.

Key Responsibilities

  • Software Development: Design, code, test, and deploy robust software solutions. Ensure the delivery of high-quality code that is scalable, secure, and maintainable. 
  • DevSecOps Practices: Implement and manage DevSecOps methodologies to integrate security at every phase of the software development lifecycle. Automate workflows to improve efficiency and security. 
  • Cloud Computing: Architect and maintain cloud-based solutions using platforms such as AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud. Ensure the optimal performance, scalability, and security of cloud infrastructures. 
  • Collaboration: Work closely with cross-functional teams including product managers, designers, and other engineers to define and refine requirements. Mentor junior engineers and contribute to a culture of knowledge sharing. 
  • Continuous Improvement: Stay up-to-date with the latest industry trends, tools, and technologies. Propose and implement improvements to enhance the development process and product quality. 
  • Compliance: Ensure that all software solutions comply with relevant regulations and standards, particularly those related to cybersecurity and federal requirements. 


  • Must be eligible for a U.S. Government IT-I / IT-II / SECRET / TOP SECRET Clearance. (Basic requirements include, U.S. Citizenship, a clear criminal history check, no pending or recent bankruptcy)
  • Bachelor's or Master's degree in Computer Science, Engineering, or a related field. 
  • Minimum of 8 years of experience in software development and engineering roles.  
  • Proficiency in programming languages such as Python, Java, C#, and JavaScript. 
  • Extensive experience with DevSecOps tools and practices (e.g., Jenkins, Docker, Kubernetes, Ansible). 
  • Strong knowledge of cloud computing platforms and services (AWS, Azure, Google Cloud). 
  • Familiarity with CI/CD pipelines and automation tools. 
  • Understanding of cybersecurity principles and best practices. 
  • Excellent problem-solving abilities and attention to detail. 
  • Strong communication skills, both written and verbal. 
  • Ability to work independently and as part of a team. 
  • Proven leadership and mentoring capabilities. 


  • Location: Washington DC metro preferred / Remote / Onsite Locations (Travel Possibly a few times a year)
  • Citizenship: Must be a United States citizen.

About Us

IT-Strat is a technology consulting company that holds various contract vehicles including best in class vehicles. IT-Strat has supported multiple clients including the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), Customs and Border Protection (CBP) and Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE via both prime and meaningful subcontracts). Additionally, IT-Strat has prime contracts with Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA), Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) and many others. We maintain relationships with multiple large businesses.

IT-Strat was established in 2002. We are a certified Woman Owned Small Business. IT-Strat also successfully graduated as a SBA 8(A) company. It was an 8(a) company from 2008 through 2017 and currently still has 8(a) contract vehicles.

Benefits We Offer:

  • Four Medical/Vision options including an HSA plan.
  • Dental and Orthodontia plan
  • Vision Materials plan
  • Paid Life, Short-Term Disability, and Long-Term Disability
  • 401K Retirement Program with company contribution
  • Paid Vacation, Holidays, Sick Leave, Floating Holidays, Bereavement Leave
  • Semi-monthly pay cycle

Information Technology Strategies ("IT-Strat") is an Equal Employment Opportunity employer, and it is our policy to consider applicants for employment without regard to sex, race, color, creed, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, marital status, age, disability, veteran status, alienage, ancestry, and any other factors prohibited by law. Employment selections are based on company and client requirements and the qualifications and skills of the candidate. IT-Strat is committed to actively capitalizing on the diversity of skills, talents, and perspectives of our employees.



Information Technology Strategies, LLC. is a government IT solutions provider servicing commercial and government initiative in various parts of the United States. We are currently seeking a Systems Administrator to work for our company.


  • Client Agency is Defense Logistics Agency.
  • Must be eligible for a U.S. Government IT-I / IT-II / SECRET / TOP SECRET Clearance. (Basic requirements include, U.S. Citizenship, a clear criminal history check, no pending or recent bankruptcy)
  • Will ensure the stable operation of the DLA Windows Server environment, MS SQL Servers, and network connections. Responsibilities will include planning, developing, installing, configuring, maintaining, supporting, and optimizing all network servers, databases, software, and communication links. Analyzes and resolves end user software program and connectivity issues. Will provide end user training. Will provide recommendations on technology direction to align with business vision. Will be required to provide both local and remote maintenance support to various operational systems deployed at more than one location. Will support includes general maintenance, upgrades, and new installs of servers and applications. Will apply advanced technical knowledge of Windows administration, automation scripting using PowerShell and/or .NET, application networking, including load balancing applications, and ensuring fault tolerance. Will perform vulnerability management.
  • Will require 70% Windows Administration including scripting and some VB/.NET development.
  • Will require 30% MS SQL Server Administration.


  • Must be eligible for a U.S. Government IT-I / IT-II / SECRET / TOP SECRET Clearance. (Basic requirements include, U.S. Citizenship, a clear criminal history check, no pending or recent bankruptcy)
  • Must have an ACTIVE IAT Level II Certification or above CCNA Security, CySA+, GISCP, GSEC, CompTIA Security+ CE, CND, SSCP, CASP+ CE, CCNP Security, CISA, CISSP, GCED, GCIIH, CCSP.
  • Must have one of the following certifications: MC: Azure Security Engineer, MC: Azure Database Administrator Associate, MC: Azure Administrator Associate.
  • 4+ years of progressive experience basic and advanced Windows Administration
  • 4+ year of hands-on experience developing automation scripts using PowerShell, VB/.NET, and or other Windows technologies.
  • Must have experience diagnosing and resolving client connectivity across client/server communication protocols.
  • Desire to learn MS SQL and get certified in MS SQL Server technologies.


  • Experience administrating MS SQL Servers 2016 or higher.
  • Currently have one of the following certifications: Must have one of the following Certifications: Microsoft Certified Administrator SQL Server, Microsoft Certified Azure Solutions Architect Expert, Microsoft Certified IT Professional Database Administrator, Microsoft Certified Master SQL Server, Microsoft Certified Solutions Associate, Oracle Certified Professional Database, Microsoft Certified Solutions Master.


Arlington, VA, United States

Information Technology Strategies, LLC. is a government IT solutions provider servicing commercial and government initiative in various parts of the United States. We are currently seeking a Technical Writer to work for our company.


  • Client Agency is the Defense Logistics Agency.
  • Under general supervision, edits, and rewrites documents for grammatical, syntactical, and usage errors, spelling, punctuation, and adherence to standards.
  • Proofreads documentation and graphics for accuracy and adherence to original content; provides quality control checking for documents received from photocopying and word processing; assembles master copies, including graphics, appendices, table of contents, and title pages; assists in scheduling printing, and copying.
  • Assists in document tracking and logging, and consults with technical staff to determine format, contents, and the organization of technical reports and proposals.
  • Assists in collecting and organizing information required for preparation of user's manuals, training materials, installation guides, proposals, and reports.
  • Edits functional descriptions, system specifications, user's manuals, special reports, or any other customer deliverables and documents.
  • Produces and manipulates graphics and visuals for informative and instructional material, including formatting/editing/writing a variety of technical articles, reports, and/or manuals for a wide range of uses.


  • Must possess IT-II security clearance or have a current National Agency Check with Local Agency Check and Credit Check (NACLC). Sponsorship will not be provided. The basic requirements for a clearance are U.S. Citizenship, a clear criminal history and no pending or recent bankruptcy.
  • 3 – 5 years of relevant experience.
  • Must have experience in Knowledge Management and Information Dissemination.
  • Must have experience in Project Management and Process Improvements.
  • Must have experience in Strategy Development.
  • Must have experience in Communications and Stakeholder Management.
  • Must have experience in development and delivery of SharePoint solutions and tools.
  • Must have experience with the following programs: MS Suite; Word; Excel; Access; MS Project; Power Point; Adobe Creative Suite; Visio.

About Us

IT-Strat is a technology consulting company that holds various contract vehicles including best in class vehicles. IT-Strat has supported multiple clients including the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), Customs and Border Protection (CBP) and Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE via both prime and meaningful subcontracts). Additionally, IT-Strat has prime contracts with Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA), Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) and many others. We maintain relationships with multiple large businesses.

IT-Strat was established in 2002. We are a certified Woman Owned Small Business. IT-Strat also successfully graduated as a SBA 8(A) company. It was an 8(a) company from 2008 through 2017 and currently still has 8(a) contract vehicles.

Benefits We Offer:

  • Four Medical/Vision options including an HSA plan
  • Dental and Orthodontia plan
  • Vision Materials plan
  • Paid Life, Short-Term Disability, and Long-Term Disability
  • 401K Retirement Program with company contribution
  • Paid Vacation, Holidays, Sick Leave, Floating Holidays, Bereavement Leave
  • Semi-monthly pay cycle

Information Technology Strategies (“IT-Strat”) is an Equal Employment Opportunity employer, and it is our policy to consider applicants for employment without regard to sex, race, color, creed, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, marital status, age, disability, veteran status, alienage, ancestry, and any other factors prohibited by law. Employment selections are based on company and client requirements and the qualifications and skills of the candidate. IT-Strat is committed to actively capitalizing on the diversity of skills, talents, and perspectives of our employees.



Information Technology Strategies, LLC. is a government IT solutions provider servicing commercial and government initiative in various parts of the United States. We are currently seeking a Web Development Lead to work for our company.


  • Must have an ACTIVE U.S. Government Top Secret/SCI Clearance.
  • Will oversee all web site development work.
  • Will develop and maintain technical strategies to ensure effective application development and integration between applications. Will work directly with key stakeholders to ensure they are up to date on all necessary information.


  • Must have an ACTIVE U.S. Government Top Secret/SCI Clearance.
  • 8+ years of Application Development experience
  • Must have a B.S. degree in Computer Science or a related field. 
  • Must have an M.S. degree in Computer Science or a related field OR 10+ years of Application Development experience.
  • Must have hands-on experience with the following technologies: HTML 5, CSS / SCSS, JavaScript with Typescript, JSON, Angular.js.
  • Must have hands-on experience with Microsoft Office Suite
  • Oral presentation experience and excellent oral and written communication skills.
  • Willingness and ability to work on-site at the DIA Headquarters in Washington, DC


  • Hands-on experience with the following technologies: d3.js, leaflet.js

About Us

IT-Strat is a technology consulting company that holds various contract vehicles including best in class vehicles. IT-Strat has supported multiple clients including the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), Customs and Border Protection (CBP) and Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE via both prime and meaningful subcontracts). Additionally, IT-Strat has prime contracts with Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA), Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) and many others. We maintain relationships with multiple large businesses.

IT-Strat was established in 2002. We are a certified Woman Owned Small Business. IT-Strat also successfully graduated as a SBA 8(A) company. It was an 8(a) company from 2008 through 2017 and currently still has 8(a) contract vehicles.

Benefits We Offer:

  • Four Medical/Vision options including an HSA plan.
  • Dental and Orthodontia plan
  • Vision Materials plan
  • Paid Life, Short-Term Disability, and Long-Term Disability
  • 401K Retirement Program with company contribution
  • Paid Vacation, Holidays, Sick Leave, Floating Holidays, Bereavement Leave
  • Semi-monthly pay cycle

Information Technology Strategies ("IT-Strat") is an Equal Employment Opportunity employer, and it is our policy to consider applicants for employment without regard to sex, race, color, creed, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, marital status, age, disability, veteran status, alienage, ancestry, and any other factors prohibited by law. Employment selections are based on company and client requirements and the qualifications and skills of the candidate. IT-Strat is committed to actively capitalizing on the diversity of skills, talents, and perspectives of our employees.


San Diego, CA, United States

Information Technology Strategies, INC. is a government IT solutions provider servicing commercial and government initiative in various parts of the United States. We are currently seeking a Webmaster / SharePoint Developer to work for our company.


  • Client Agency is Naval Health Research Center.
  • Must be eligible for a U.S. Government IT-I / IT-II / SECRET / TOP SECRET Clearance. (Basic requirements include, U.S. Citizenship, a clear criminal history check, no pending or recent bankruptcy)
  • Responsible for developing web pages, creating easily navigable web pages and basic scripts or code, evaluating code, building / supporting web-enabled database applications.


  • Must be eligible for a U.S. Government IT-I / IT-II / SECRET / TOP SECRET Clearance. (Basic requirements include, U.S. Citizenship, a clear criminal history check, no pending or recent bankruptcy)
  • Must have 5+ years of experience performing webmaster duties such as developing web pages to convert user-developed content into workable web pages, create easily navigable web pages and basic scripts or code, evaluate code and repair errors, and build or support web-enabled database applications as well as SharePoint development to include SharePoint and Microsoft 365 as well as developing SharePoint custom code, workflows, and Microsoft PowerApps.
  • Must have a bachelor’s degree in information technology, Cybersecurity, Data Science, Information Systems, Computer Science, or a related field.
  • Must be willing and able to work on-site in San Diego, CA.
  • Must be willing and able to work an alternative work schedule which applies 9-hour days between 6:00am and 6:00pm with alternate Friday’s off.

About Us

IT-Strat is a technology consulting company that holds various contract vehicles including best in class vehicles. IT-Strat has supported multiple clients including the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), Customs and Border Protection (CBP) and Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE via both prime and meaningful subcontracts). Additionally, IT-Strat has prime contracts with Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA), Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) and many others. We maintain relationships with multiple large businesses.

IT-Strat was established in 2002. We are a certified Woman Owned Small Business. IT-Strat also successfully graduated as a SBA 8(A) company. It was an 8(a) company from 2008 through 2017 and currently still has 8(a) contract vehicles.

Benefits We Offer:

  • Four Medical/Vision options including an HSA plan.
  • Dental and Orthodontia plan
  • Vision Materials plan
  • Paid Life, Short-Term Disability, and Long-Term Disability
  • 401K Retirement Program with company contribution
  • Paid Vacation, Holidays, Sick Leave, Floating Holidays, Bereavement Leave
  • Semi-monthly pay cycle

Information Technology Strategies ("IT-Strat") is an Equal Employment Opportunity employer, and it is our policy to consider applicants for employment without regard to sex, race, color, creed, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, marital status, age, disability, veteran status, alienage, ancestry, and any other factors prohibited by law. Employment selections are based on company and client requirements and the qualifications and skills of the candidate. IT-Strat is committed to actively capitalizing on the diversity of skills, talents, and perspectives of our employees.

EDGE Portal

EDGE is our online portal for all your medical, dental, and vision benefits, and STD/LTD needs. This puts your benefit information at your fingertips, allowing you to biew your current benefit elections for you and your family, view costs of chosen plans, update your personal information, sign compliance documents, view and download the Summary of Benefits, check future open enrollments, and much more.

Paid Time Off

The Company believes that time away from work is essential to the health and well-being of our Employees. The Company encourages Employees to use their paid time off (PTO) — which consists of vacation, government holidays, floating holidays, and sick leave — providing Employees with an optimal work/life balance.

Vision Benefits

IT-Strat provides a competitive Vision Material Only plan through Anthem for our eligible Full-Time Employees. Employee is covered at 100%, spouse/domestic partner and family are covered at 50% by the company

Dental Insurance

IT-Strat provides a competitive Dental Insurance plan for our employees through United Concordia. Dental Insurance enrollment is separate from the Health Plan. Employee is covered at 100%, spouse/domestic partner and family are covered at 50% by the company.

Short Term/Long Term Disability

IT-Strat provides competitive Short-Term and Long-Term Disability plans for our employees – at no additional charge to the employee.
The STD and LTD benefits are through Anthem.

Life Insurance

Full-time Employees are eligible for and are automatically enrolled in a group term life insurance program. Enrollees may designate or change the beneficiary for this policy at any time. The Company pays the premium for this benefit. The value of this benefit is up to $75,000.00. The life insurance is portable should Employees wish to continue this benefit after separation from the Company.

Medical Insurance

IT-Strat provides competitive Health Insurance plans for their eligible Full-Time Employees.
Our medical, vision, and dental benefits can be chosen independently of one another.
For example, you can choose dental and vision if you already have other medical insurance.
Our medical, vision, and dental plans host dependents until age 26.

Certification Assistance

The Company is committed to developing and maintaining a high-performance workforce and encourages its employees to continue developing the knowledge and skills necessary to succeed in their jobs and provide optimum customer service. To participate in the program, individuals must be active full-time regular employees, request approval, and sign a letter of commitment for no less than one year.

401K – American Funds

IT-Strat provides powerful retirement plan options for our employees. You control your approach of how aggressive or minimal you wish to be. IT-Strat, through American Funds, has an array of election selections for you to elect both pre-tax and Roth options. The plan has no waiting period, and the Company will contribute 3% of employee salary regardless of their participation.