NIH CIO-SP3 SB and 8(a)

NIH CIO-SP3 SB (75N98120D00122) and 8(a) (75N98119D00021)

CIO-SP3 Small Business and 8(a) Government-Wide Acquisition Contract (GWAC) program from the National Information Technology Acquisitions and Assessment Center (NITAAC) offers a large and diverse pool of small business innovators, cutting edge technology, streamlined acquisition and fast provisioning. The CIO-SP3 program is designed to support federal CIOs who want to obtain quick and flexible information technology support services and can be used by any federal civilian or Department of Defense (DoD) agency to fulfill a broad range of mission critical IT requirements and socioeconomic goals. IT-Strat is a prime on the CIO-SP3 Small Business tracks.

CIO SP3 Small Business represents a next-generation Federal Health IT contract vehicle sponsored under the National Institutes of Health (NIH), Information Technology Acquisition and Assessment Center (NITAAC).

Contract Holder’s CIO-SP3 site
CIO-SP3 SB Conformed Contract
CIO-SP3 8(a) Conformed Contract
CIO-SP3 Small Business page
GWAC Form (SF-26 8a)
GWAC Form (SF-26 SB)
Prompt Payment Terms: None
Labor Rates – GOV Site
Labor Rates – CTR Site

Task Area NumberTask Area Title
1IT Services for Biomedical Research, Health Sciences, and Healthcare
2Chief Information Officer (CIO) Support
5IT Operations and Maintenance
6Integration Services
7Critical Infrastructure Protection and Information Assurance
8Digital Government
9Enterprise Resource Planning
10Software Development
Program Manager
Namita Magoon